Mamisoa Andriantafika
COVID-19 is a very contagious disease by contact or airborne route.
To enter the center, you must wear a mask covering your mouth and nose. This obligation aims to limit as much as possible any projections likely to contaminate surfaces or people around you.
Children also have to wear a mask.
Even if they are rarely sick, they can potentially be a carrier and therefore be a vector for contamination.
You have to wear a mask.
You will undergo exams done very closely, usually less than 30cm from your face. Distance to medical personnel is also reduced.
Every person entering the center will have his or her hands desinfected with hydroalcoolic gel.
It helps to reduce surfaces contaminations. Please bring your pen. Don't use gloves, you will feel wrongly safe while the remanence of the virus on glove is long.
Generally, unless the doctor told you otherwise, you should come without wearing your contact lenses. We try to limit every manipulation that induce a risk of contamination.
The waiting room is organised to respect 1.5 meter distance between same groups of patients. One person can accompany one person if only it is necessary: for a child, someone with reduced mobility or for translation.
Our center is equipped with permanent air conditionning filtering and killing small viral particules with UV light. Air is renewed about every 2 hours. Nous essayons également d'aérer la salle d'attente sur l'heure de table et après les consultations.
Consultation time is usually less than one hour. Risk for contamination is then minimal.
By following all those measures, risk for contamination is minimal.
If you're having flu symptoms, postpone your appointment and check to your GP.
We will measure your temperature with an IR thermometer 2cm from your forehead.
Usually, this type of measure is underestimated.If over 37.5 degrees Celsius, we will postpone your consultation to at least 15 days away..
If you are flulike, have a general persistant fatigue, loss of smell or taste, you should postpone your consultation and contact your GP.
If you're coming from a red zone, respect the quarantine and undergo a PCR test according to the rules in force.
You can get more information about red zones on the official information website about COVID-19.
If you are flulike, have a general persistant fatigue, loss of smell or taste, you should postpone your consultation and contact your GP.
If you're coming back from a red zone, respect the legal quarantine and the test strategy.
The official app Coronalert is an essential and underestimated tool.
Use the official app CORONALERT.
This application is an essential tool to trace back from an infected patient. If you have a positive PCR test and had a contact of high risk in the previous days, others using the app will be alerted. If one of them is also positive, others will also be alerted. This is a useful chain reaction.
Privacy concerns limit the expansion of this app. Anonymisation, centralisation and limitation of data collection should reassure you. It cannot be compared with the data collection you give with your everyday life applications.