
Picture of the author Mamisoa Andriantafika by Mamisoa Andriantafika

- 2 minutes to read - 410 words

Our center is equipped with a terminal working with contactless transactions.


We advise contactless transactions.

Most credit and debit cards can work contactless. As medical fees will be over 50 euros, you will still have to type your code on the terminal.

If you use an app using Apple Pay or Google Pay with your smartphone or smartwatch, you will be able to confirm the transaction on this device.

We strongly advise contactless transactions.


Some medical procedures are partly covered by the social insurance, depending on its type, time between two exams or your social status.

Our doctors are not linked to the national convention. That means that we do not follow the medical fees fixed by the medico-mutualist convention.

Fee supplements accounts usually for 50% on most frequent procedures. Some technical procedure are partly covered by the social insurance, depending on its type, time between two exams or your social status. All procedures that are covered are encoded on a standard medical attestation so that you can claim the reimbursment to your insurance. If the procedure is not in the nomenclature, they are not covered at all and you will receive an invoice for that matter. E.g it is the case for the diagnosis of dry eyes syndrome on the Lacrydiag plateform.

For a routine consultation, depending on exams to perform, plan for medical fees between 55 to 130 euros.


Cataract surgery is the most frequent procedure done in ophthalmology. All preop and postop exams are done at our center. Those exams are mostly covered by the social insurance.

The surgical procedure is done at the Delta Hospital (CHIREC). Fee supplements accounts for 110%. You also may have to account for the eventual cost of intraocular lenses not covered by the social insurance like multifocal lenses. However, many additional insurances cover those fees. You can contact the administrative service from the hospital on the phone 02/434.40.41 to get a personal appointment to evaluate what fees are covered. You will receive a final bill about 15 days to a month after surgery.

Refractive surgery is not covered by the social insurance. Surgical fees will be requested beforehand. Many insurances cover about 150 euros per eye, and some cover most of the surgical fees. Again, we advise you to check throughly to your insurances to ask what can be covered.

We advise you to check throughly to your insurances what can be covered to get the best reimbursements.

Contact us

By phone

You can reach us from 9am to 5:30pm.

human ressources:
Go to the medical center
Centre Médical Bruxelles-Schuman
66 Avenue de Cortenbergh
1000 Bruxelles