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Mamisoa Andriantafika

Eye Sun Protection: Understanding the Importance of Sunglasses for Eye Health

Solar radiation can be dangerous to our eye health without adequate protection. Sunglasses play a key role in this protection, but not all sunglasses are equal in terms of eye protection. Here is a comprehensive guide to understanding and choosing the most suitable sunglasses for your situation.

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Mamisoa Andriantafika

Anterion: A Revolution in Refractive Surgery

Are you considering refractive surgery to correct your vision? Let us introduce you to Anterion, a cutting-edge biometer that promises to transform your eye surgery experience.

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Mamisoa Andriantafika

YAG Laser

In ophthalmology, the YAG laser allows for precise and non-contact surgical cuts. It is mainly used to perform an iridotomy to treat or prevent closed-angle glaucoma or a capsulotomy in the case of secondary cataracts.

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Mamisoa Andriantafika


Cataract is a clouding of the natural lens usually related to age. It can be congenital, meaning presents since birth, but also secondary to another condition e.g. ocular traumatism or inflammation.

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Information related to ophthalmology

Here is a list of most frequent medical conditions in ophthalmology.

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Last updates in Ophthalmology

Our last updates!

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Surgical Information

Here are some articles related to surgery performed at our eye medical center

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You can reach us from 9am to 5:30pm.

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Go to the medical center
Centre Médical Bruxelles-Schuman
66 Avenue de Cortenbergh
1000 Bruxelles